Monday, November 17, 2008

Rough Seas, Pokey Things, Slow Moving Torpedos, Elusive Iguanas and NASCAR

Seas have been rough. And it feels really cold in Florida. What's up with that? I appear to have become what some people down here call an SFP (South Florida Pansy). It's been really cold. I even had to get a winter hat! Conditions have left me a bit trapped. This past weekend a massive NASCAR race created traffic that prevented easy access to and from the park (the NASCAR track is another site to be had -- just like Mt. Trashmore and Turkey Point Nuclear Plant-- near here). Plus, the weather has been ruining good fish census days. We attempted a dive last week. It lasted about 2 minutes at about 4 feet. Our boats was taking on water and we were getting tossed about. We got in anyway and found that we couldn't more than a few feet. Plus, we couldn't tell the difference between a surgeon fish and a parrotfish. I haven't been back in the water since. My time has been filled with endangered cacti, watching manatee when I go on a run along a channel, and trying to find the elusive and invasive green iguanas that are in the park. Fortunately, those may all leave me with post for my blog. I'm about to write one up on coral popsicles.

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